World Diabetes Day

Nottinghamshire Healthcare is supporting World Diabetes Day to raise awareness of the condition and a reminder that those with diabetes are not alone and support is available.
An estimated 4.5 million people are living with diabetes in the UK and 1.1 million are undiagnosed. 90% of those who are diagnosed have Type 2 diabetes.
The Trust offers the DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) programme for people with Type 2 diabetes. It is a structured group education programme to find out more information about Type 2 diabetes but also helps to provide participants with the skills to manage their condition.
The course can be accessed by people that have newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes (within first 12 months of diagnosis) but also those that have established Type 2 diabetes.
The course provides:
- 6 hours of structured education
- Two formats: 1-day or 2 half-day equivalents.
Full day sessions: 09:00 – 16:00 or 09:30 – 16:30
Morning ½ day sessions: 09:30 – 13:00
Afternoon sessions: 13:00 – 16:30 - Delivered by health care professionals and Lay Educators – all staff are DESMOND trained.
- Groups of up to 10 participants with newly-diagnosed or established Type 2 diabetes who may wish to bring along a partner, family member or friend.
- Community/Primary Care venues e.g. Libraries, Health Centres, Miners Welfares etc.
- Supporting resources and handbook for attendees.
The course covers:
- Thoughts and feelings of the participants around diabetes
- Understanding diabetes and glucose: what happens in the body
- Understanding more about monitoring and medication
- Understanding the risk factors and complications associated with diabetes
- How to take control – Food Choices & Physical Activity
- Planning for the future
How can you access the DESMOND course?
DESMOND is free to access and is currently being delivered across Nottinghamshire County. You can simply ask your Practice Nurse/General Practitoner to complete a referral or Self-Referral is available in South Nottinghamshire.
You can email, post or fax a self-referral to:
DESMOND, Nutrition & Dietetics, Mansfield Community Hospital, Stockwell Gate, Mansfield, NG18 5QJ
Tel: 01623 785182
Fax: 01623 785119