Working for our Healthy Family Teams

Working for our Healthy Family Teams provides great opportunities and we have some exciting roles currently available based at a variety of locations across the County.
Our aim is to ensure that the Healthy Family Teams are known for their service quality and innovation ensuring that children, young people and their families get the most effective compassionate care and the best outcome at their point of need.
Each team has a mix of Specialist Public Health Practitioners (Health Visitors and School Nurses), Nurses and support staff with a range of skills who are able to work together to address public health needs and provide appropriate interventions to the 0-19 years population in their area. The teams work together making sure that care is delivered to children, young people and their families by the right member of the team at the right time to suit their identified needs.
The teams work together with GP practices, schools, preschools, youth services, children’s centres, social care and other services to ensure that there are good links so children, young people and their families can be offered the Healthy Child Programme and the full range of targeted interventions they may need.
We are really proud of our staff and the work that they do and we want their employment experience to be the best possible.
Find out more about our Specialist Public Health Practitioner vacancy and other roles in the Healthy Family Teams at If you require any further information you can contact Jo Lewis, Service Manager on 07545 420416 or Katie Brown, Service Manager on 07580 792863.
Here are some comments from new members of staff:
“Initially the move from trust to trust was difficult due to working as part of a 0-19 agenda and not having much experience with the teenagers. However, I have been given opportunity to attend sessions aimed at the older children to develop my knowledge and skills and the team have been extremely supportive in making my transition to the trust much easier.”
“Since being offered the post within the Trust I have been welcomed and supported by all members of the Healthy Family Team prior to and after starting. I find the work is varied and stimulating, and gives an opportunity to meet family health needs in a variety of contacts using current skills and developing on these. I feel that I and all members of the Healthy Family Team are listened to and valued by management and within the team.”
“As a Specialist Public Health Practitioner, there are numerous opportunities to demonstrate leadership with families, other professionals and within the team. I’m rewarded by my job and have a strong purpose in supporting families. I’m constantly learning, and feel that our service should be statutory as essential to personal and public health over the lifetime as we’re the starting point for all health.”