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Work on ICS Clinical Strategy begins

Work to involve patients and the public in the Integrated Care System (ICS) Clinical Services Strategy has begun.

The Clinical Services Strategy is a key workstream of the ICS and will create a long term plan for clinical services across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The strategy will drive some of the changes that need to happen to services across the system to make sure care is delivered in the right place; that we have a sustainable healthcare model and that personalisation, prevention and early intervention are embedded in everything we do.

The Clinical Services Strategy Programme Team have been working with clinicians and reviewing engagement carried out over recent years to develop a set of draft principles that will underpin the development of the strategy. Conversations are now taking place with patient groups to confirm these principles and over the spring, a programme of public engagement, aligned to the engagement on the NHS Long Term Plan and local system plan, will be undertaken to enable a wide range of people to contribute to the development of the strategy.



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