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We want to hear your views

What are we doing?
The CCG and other NHS organisations have made changes to the way services are delivered during the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes have been made to help the NHS cope with the impact of Covid-19 and to keep our patients and staff safe. The CCG is seeking the views of local people on these changes. We want to learn from the pandemic, take on board the views of local people and make sure that we continue to provide services that meet the needs of our population. Some of the changes that we have made or seen during the pandemic that we want your views on include:
•An increase in the use of telephone and online consultations with health care professionals
•Reduced attendances at the Accident & Emergency Department
•An increase in the use of NHS111 or 111 online
•A new discharge assessment to speed up hospital discharges.

Tou can find out more here.

Information Sheet.pdf [pdf] 618KB



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