Video consultation for patients

The Trust is now able to offer video consultations for some clinics. A video consultation means that patients can connect with a clinician using one of a number of different video call systems using either their personal computer, tablet or smartphone.
Our new pages about video consultation are now available on the Trust’s website and are intended to be used by our patients and carers.
You can view the pages here:
You’ll find a quick guide to video consultation, an overview of why a patient might consider a video consultation and the equipment and environment needed. You’ll also find information on setting up for, preparing for and taking part in a consultation and a useful Frequently Asked Questions page.
The information has been produced in conjunction with the Trust Video Consultation Steering Board, several of our clinicians from across different specialties including Allied Health Professionals (AHPs), and the Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team.
All the words and pictures have been produced with ‘easy read’ in mind, with many of the images and text kindly supplied by Oxford University, Barts Health NHS Trust and Digital Science, a communications consultancy.