Trust's Short Stay Unit shortlisted for HSJ Partnership award

The Trust's Short Stay Reablement Unit (SSRU) has been shortlisted as a finalist in the HSJ Partnership awards, together with New Care, a privately owned development-led care home operator, and Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
The awards highlight the most effective partnerships between the private and third sector and the NHS.
The SSRU is based at The Grand in West Bridgford, New Care’s stunning care facility that offers residential, nursing and dementia care services. The short stay unit was designed and developed by the Trust in partnership with New Care to provide care for patients who have been medically discharged from hospital but are not yet capable of returning to their own home independently. This pioneering service not only frees up hospital beds, it creates a comprehensive care pathway that really meets patients’ needs.
The SSRU provides rehabilitation, primary care from a dedicated GP plus support from Age UK Notts, community nurses and volunteers in the community. The team treats each patient individually so that their own needs are met with long-term outcomes in mind.
SaraJane Ashmore, General Manager at the Trust said: “The exceptional care, combined with a comprehensive and robust discharge process and a holistic approach to patient care whilst in SSRU and after discharge, has undoubtedly transformed the Trust’s system.
“None of this would be possible without the commitment and dedication of the integrated team, which includes staff from the Trust, The Grand, Age UK Notts as well as healthcare individuals including a dedicated GP, community nurses, therapists and volunteers. The benefit of everyone working in partnership has brought much more to the table than just financial savings for the NHS; it has introduced a bespoke service that dramatically improves the care received by patients and their overall experience.”
While the main aim is to rehabilitate patients in 14 days so that they can confidently return home, the service also ensures, as much as possible, that patients remain safely at home too, reducing re-admission costs. Between April 2016 and April 2018, the SSRU cared for approximately 800 patients, of whom 75% returned to their own home.
Yana Whitehouse, Registered Manager at The Grand, comments: “The SSRU is a pioneering service that has successfully achieved amazing results over the course of the last three years. The integrated team work together seamlessly and it is a privilege to offer such an innovative service at The Grand, providing individual rehabilitation and support to those wanting to return to their own home.”
Linda Crick, Partnerships Director at Age UK Notts said, “We are delighted to be working in partnership with the NHS and New Care delivering this innovative and person-centred service for the benefit of the older people during their stay at the SSRU and on discharge home. The service has a positive impact on people’s lives enabling them to live at home independently for as long as possible. We are delighted to be nominated with our partners for this award.”
The award winners will be announced on 20 March.
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