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Trust wins Healthy Child Contract

Nottinghamshire Healthcare has been awarded the contract for the delivery of the ‘Integrated Healthy Child and Public Health Nursing Programme for 0 to 19 year olds’ by Nottinghamshire County Council who commission a provider to deliver public health services for children, families and young people across Nottinghamshire.

0-19 year Healthy Child Contract win

This new contract encompasses the current health visiting, school nursing, Family Nurse Partnership, National Child Measurement Programme and infant feeding support services the Trust already provides. The new contract and delivery of a new service model will begin from April 2017 and will run for 3 years with the option to extend annually for a further four years.

Children and families will start to see improvements in the way services are configured as a new model of delivery develops. This will include the bringing together of the services into integrated, locally based ‘Healthy Families Teams’ where a range of professionals and support staff with the skills and competencies to deliver coordinated support to the entire 0-19 age range will work closely together, linking in locally with other services such as GPs, schools, children’s centres and social care.

Nottinghamshire Healthcare is proud of the services it delivers and wants to develop services for the future in a creative and innovative way; ensuring that children, families and young people’s care remains the most important thing we think about. The tender process has created an ideal opportunity to further develop and improve our new integrated health services by streamlining the number of different services into a more coordinated offer for children, young people and families.

Paul Smeeton, Executive Director for the Trust said, “Over the next few months, we will be working with all staff to ensure a smooth transition of services. For our children, young people and families, it is business as usual and they will continue to receive high quality community health services. We are delighted that the hard work of our teams has been recognised and proud that we will be able to continue to improve the health of young people across the County.”



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