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Trust staff wins Student Nursing Times Award

We are absolutely delighted that Tarnia Lefevre, Trainee Nursing Associate - Deaf Services at the Trust, has won a Student Nursing Times Award, in the Nursing Associate Trainee of the Year category.

Tarnia won the award for her work supporting Deaf patients and how she has adapted to continue to provide high quality care throughout the pandemic, despite the challenges.

She works in a small, specialised team, providing mental health support for Deaf people. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on many things, including staffing levels in the NHS coming under pressure like never before. In small teams this can have an especially significant impact on service provision.

By stepping up and working collaboratively with other teams and integrated care providers, Tarnia ensured the Deaf clients on their caseload received continuity of care, ensuring their needs were met and mental wellbeing supported.

Anne-Maria Newham, Executive Director of Nursing AHPs and Quality said:

“I am absolutely delighted that Tarnia won this award. This is thoroughly deserved as she does a fantastic job providing exceptional care to Deaf patients. She looked at ways to adapt to ensure this outstanding care continued throughout challenging times. Huge congratulations.”

Tarnia also wrote an article on communication and mask wearing for the Nursing Times, which has been well received by the Deaf community. By working as an advocate for the Deaf community, she raised awareness of the impact of masks on communication and supported Deaf clients to fully understand the information which the rest of society take for granted.

Tarnia said:

“I am so proud to have won this award. I am really committed to providing the best possible care to my patients, and to win this award was a great opportunity to showcase the unique linguistic and cultural needs of the Deaf community on a wider stage. Working throughout the pandemic has had its challenges for all services, but I was determined to ensure the care my patients received was not affected. I love my job and I am so grateful for the opportunities provided to me and the support given by the wonderful team I work with. I feel so honoured to have won this award.”

Winners were announced on 4 November. More info on the shortlist and winners can be found here:



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