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Trust staff member competing in Commonwealth Games

We are delighted to have a staff member, Kirsty Law, Health Care Assistant competing in the Commonwealth Games. Kirsty is a two-time British discus champion and is sponsored by the Trust.

She is due to compete in the Commonwealth Games on Tuesday 2 Aug.

Alongside her athletic success, Kirsty is also a Health Care Assistant at Rampton Hospital.

Anna Simpson, General Manager, Rampton Hospital, said:


“We want to wish Kirsty the very best of luck at the Commonwealth Games - it’s fantastic to see one of our colleagues competing! She has worked so hard to get there and we hope she achieves everything she wants to. The whole team will be watching and cheering her on. Good luck Kirsty!

Kirsty has been doing amazingly well in her sport, winning the Scottish title 13 times.

She is also hoping to qualify for the forthcoming World and European Championships. Her long-term goal is to qualify for the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

You can watch to see how Kirsty gets on in the discus competition on the 2 Aug in the afternoon and evening.



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