Trust launches five new Care Group Nurse Director roles.

Hear from Diane Hull, Executive Director of Nursing, AHPs and Quality, who talks about the new roles.
Revamping delivery services and implementing a care group structure using a triumvirate leadership approach has created the opportunity for five new Care Group Nurse Director roles. Our aim is to strengthen nurse leadership with a focus on quality, safety, and, most importantly, the patient and carer experience as we tackle challenges and work towards sustainable improvement.
Reporting directly to the Executive Director of Nursing, AHPs and Quality, these roles offer the opportunity to influence, inspire, innovate, and enthuse at every layer of the organisation with clear expectations around visibility, presence, and direct work with clinical teams in your portfolio.
We seek clinically credible leaders who can lead with compassion and clarity, creating a culture of learning, improvement, engagement, and belonging. Candidates should have experience at Senior Nurse/Associate Director level with a proven track record of driving quality and safety improvements in complex environments.
Candidates must have significant experience within the portfolio area they are applying for. Applicants for high secure forensic services may not have high secure experience but must have experience in low or medium forensic services.
With a genuine commitment to equity, you will create conditions for people to develop, improve, and achieve while always being clear about the purpose, aims, and organisational aspirations.
The available posts are:
- Care Group Nurse Director - Community Health Services and Offender Health
- Care Group Nurse Director - Mental Health Inpatient and Crisis Services
- Care Group Nurse Director - Mental Health Community Services
- Care Group Nurse Director - Forensics - Medium and Low Secure Services
- Care Group Nurse Director - Forensics - High Secure Services (Rampton Hospital)