Trust improvement highlighted in report

A newly published report following an inspection into Nottinghamshire Healthcare’s adult mental health inpatient wards reflects that the services are safe, caring and well led.
The Care Quality Commission inspected a number of wards across the Trust’s Adult Mental Health (AMH) services between 19 and 29 July 2020. The report highlights many areas which have greatly improved since an earlier inspection in February.
The inspection team noted how the ward environments were safe and clean, that they were well staffed and that staff assessed and managed risk well, minimised the use of restrictive practices and followed good practice with respect to safeguarding. They found that a range of treatments were provided to meet the needs of patients and that staff worked well together and with those outside the wards and organisation in providing aftercare.
The report also notes how staff treat patients with compassion and kindness, respect their privacy and dignity, and understand the individual needs of patients. They actively involve patients and families and carers in care decisions and supported patients to understand and manage their care, treatment or
Condition, and actively seek their feedback on the care they are provided.
Families and carers are kept well informed and involved.
The services inspected were found to manage patient safety incidents well. Incidents are reported and investigated and learning is shared with the team and wider service. When things went wrong, staff apologised and gave patients honest information and suitable support.
Where issues were raised by the inspection team they were quickly rectified or evidence provided as to how this was being addressed for the future.
The inspection team were told by staff that they were proud to work for the Trust and there was a positive culture within their teams.
Dr Julie Attfield, Executive Director Mental Health Services said: “I am really pleased to see the improvement acknowledged in this report. In not easy circumstances over the last few months, this is a credit to all the staff working in our AMH inpatient services who have worked tirelessly to provide good clinical care. There is always investment and energy needed to achieve such improvement and I am really committed to ensure that we carry on in this journey. My unreserved thanks to everyone for their contributions; they should feel rightly proud about what they have achieved.”
The full report can be downloaded from the CQC website -