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Trust colleague wins Apprentice of the Year Award

Phil Noone is pictured in a selfie-style photograph.

Phil Noone, Maintenance Craftworker at Nottinghamshire Healthcare recently won the highly coveted JTL Nottingham Apprentice of the Year Award 2024.

Phil has been working as a Maintenance Craftworker in the Estates department for over four years and last year he positively grabbed the chance to start a four year apprenticeship to become a fully qualified electrician. 

Jennifer Guiver, Executive Director of People and Culture said: “Huge congratulations to Phil on this fantastic achievement. It is great to see our apprenticeship programme having such amazing results.  I wish Phil the best of luck with the remainder of his apprenticeship and his future career at the Trust.”  

Since leaving school Phil wanted to become an electrician and started the level 2 award in electrical engineering. Unfortunately, he was unable to complete the training at the time and after joining the Trust his team was asked if anyone would like to add to their skill set, and Phil jumped at the opportunity to train to become an electrician. 

Phil said: “Luckily the Trust has an apprenticeship programme and estates management were very supportive of this idea. Then before I knew it a year had passed and I had managed to win the Apprentice of the Year. I was very surprised and proud to receive the award . My aim has always been to do my best and achieve the best outcome as possible. Really does prove hard work pays off . I thoroughly enjoy working for the Trust , getting great job satisfaction through keeping buildings and services running as well as possible from a maintenance perspective . My ultimate goal from this would be to become a fully qualified electrician for the Trust when I have passed my apprenticeship.”

Phil’s current role is very varied visiting different sites for the Trust completing maintenance issues. This can range from PAT testing to tarmac repairs and anything in between. As well as working with Trust electricians to gain experience in this field.

His nominator Shaun said: “Phil has made a big impact at the college and they recognised him for promoting good work ethics, ensuring prompt coursework completion to a high standard and assisting other students – attributes that we recognise from his time in the Trust. We are very lucky to have such a positive, conscientious, and adaptable person in the Estates Team. Well Done Phil, you deserve this achievement”



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