Trust Board 5 May 2020

Yesterday we held our first virtual board meeting and streamed it live to staff across the Trust. 46 staff took the time to join us and we will be asking them how they found it! Business was streamlined, but with the usual appropriate challenge from the Non Executives. Some highlights included the very positive Rampton Hospital CQC inspection report, due to be published on Friday. More on that to come.
The response by all our staff to the pandemic has been overwhelmingly positive and professional. The amount of resilience, passion and courage is fantastic to witness and hear about from our increasing range of communication channels. I particularly wanted to thank all staff who have been working in COVID-19 positive environments whether on wards or in the community, you have put yourselves in harm’s way, to care for our patients. A heartfelt thank you to you all. It is true to say we have reached a steady state in terms of managing the crisis, and the majority of pressing issues, PPE and staff testing are being steadily resolved. It is likely that the situation we are in may well last for some time, hopefully with some easing of the lockdown, but we will need to adapt to a new normal for some months to come. At the same time there are many emerging lessons we can learn from this and look at how we might grasp new opportunities to improve our services. The sudden arrival of MS Teams could change meetings for good, new video-conferencing for some clinical work is in early stages, but could have a significant impact for the future. I’m sure there will be many more, and we will begin to collate this learning as we move into a recovery phase in the weeks and months ahead. To finish, again with a thank you to everyone in the Trust for the efforts you have put into enabling us to deliver great care for our patients and carers in these difficult times.
The video of the meeting can be found here.
Watch Paul's Governers overiew here.