Transforming our Adult Community Mental Health Services

We are making some changes to the way we deliver our community based mental health services for adults, bringing together all of the current teams into ten ‘Local Mental Health Teams’.
The Local Mental Health Teams will continue to offer access to the same specialist care, delivered by the same clinical staff, but will be based together in each of the following areas: Bassetlaw, Newark & Sherwood, Mansfield, Ashfield, Broxtowe & Hucknall, Rushcliffe, Gedling, City North, City Central and City South. This new model will ensure equity of care across all areas, with one local point of access and more simplified treatment pathways, improving outcomes for all.
The changes are being made following a thorough review of current services, using information gathered from a wide variety of feedback from patients, carers, staff and partners. The changes will be made gradually from April 2017 to September 2017 and we are working closely with patients, carers and staff to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.