Staff Survey Results 2019

During 2019 we participated in the annual NHS staff survey, giving our staff the opportunity to provide us with important feedback. Understanding how our staff feel about working at Nottinghamshire Healthcare is important so that we can improve the experience of working here.
The response rate was 45% (3,782 completed responses) which is lower than the average for Mental Health, Learning Disability & Community Trust’s in England [48%]. The feedback also tells us that we have seen significant reductions within Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity and around the Safety culture. The feedback from staff in the 2019 National staff survey is consistent with that received through staff voice reports and that previously identified through the culture and leadership review.
Across all areas we have seen reducing trends across the survey themes. Overall staff engagement levels have deteriorated from the previous year and in the last 5 years there has been an ongoing downward trend. Evidence based research clearly shows that good staff experience is directly linked to better patient experience and outcomes. From a patient and staff perspective, therefore, this feedback gives us considerable cause for concern.
John Brewin is Chief Executive of the Trust: “I am disappointed in the results of the staff survey. We are clearly not yet doing enough to make the Trust a good place to work and this is reflected in the results. Staff have identified that; there isn’t a sense of shared collective purpose, the vision and values of the organisation are not embedded, goals and performance lack clarity, learning and innovation is not fully supported and there is too much bureaucracy.
In addition, there are several other important areas that we need to keep working on including; inclusiveness and inequality, clearer management structures, creating a just and restorative culture, breaking down silo working, and developing initiatives that are clinically informed and focus on quality improvement.
“We have worked hard over the last year to begin to create the right environments to impact on our culture and change it for the better, but we have clearly got to redouble our efforts to get this right. We have now some good foundations in place from which to build. The senior leadership across the Trust will continue to focus on key pieces of work, engaging with all our staff, ensuring we respond and act on issues raised, and build on some great services that we know we have.
“I know that everyone is committed and passionate about providing great care, I remain confident that we will begin to see improvements in the coming year. We are investing significantly in our staff’s health and well-being, it is crucial that we do this, so they can be at their best for our patients, families and carers.
“The Board of Directors is committed to a response that focuses on; clarity of purpose, growing a culture based on shared values and behaviours, and supporting and developing all our staff to provide the best services they can.”