Staff Survey: a message from Chief Executive John Brewin

Last week the results of the National NHS Staff Survey were published and they made sobering reading for us here at Nottinghamshire Healthcare.
The Staff Survey is an anonymous questionnaire taken by staff at all NHS trusts. It allows us to look at how staff feel about working at our organisation and compare this both to previous years and to other trusts which have similar services to ours.
It is clear that we are not getting a lot right, as our scores this year are below average in all categories and in the worst performing in relation to staff morale and engagement. This is really hard to take and is a fundamental hit to all of us. We are not shying away from this and are absolutely committed to addressing the issues raised; but there are no quick fixes.
There is a lot of work to do to make this a place where people want to work and make a contribution. We can only make things better by working together. We want to listen to what staff are telling us is wrong and how we can make it better.
The Board and I want to make it really clear that this is our priority – we will listen to our staff and make things better. A massive thank you to everyone who completed the survey – we are currently looking in depth at the feedback that you have given us (more than 3000 responses) to decide how best to progress this. We will continue to keep everyone updated and involved.
I would like to reassure everyone using our services that there are many fantastic examples of patient care happening at the Trust, and our staff continue to do their best despite challenging circumstances. We are committed to making sure barriers are removed and that everyone is empowered to do their job in the best way they can.