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Staff Recognition Week: Celebrating our staff

This week, 21 – 25 September, sees the Trust recognising and celebrating its wonderful staff at a special Recognition Week to thank them for everything they have done over the past few difficult months and continue to do during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Recognition Week will showcase and celebrate the amazing work of our staff and how they have been innovative in adapting their practices to ensure that our patients and service users have continued to get the very best care and treatment possible throughout this time.

Dr John Brewin, Chief Executive, said: “I’d like to thank all our staff for their professionalism, hard work and dedication throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic. Their commitment to making a difference in these unprecedented times is truly inspiring.

“None of us expected to be faced with such a challenging 2020, but our staff have risen to the challenges and have never failed to impress with how they have not only coped but also innovated and adapted to new ways of working.

“We should be very proud of how we have embraced our values and continued to provide safe, quality care for our patients. I would like to congratulate all our staff on their incredible achievements.”

You can read about their inspiring stories and how they have adapted during the pandemic throughout the week by following @nottshealthcare #WeareNottsHC.



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