South Notts ICP

We have recently held the first workshop of the partner agencies involved in the South Notts Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) to begin exploring what the partnership can feasibly do, what the risks are and whether there should be anyone else involved.
This is the beginning of a different way of working across health, social care, local authorities and other agencies to improve the quality of life for people in the South Notts patch. The first acknowledgement was that there is not a natural geography to the South Notts area, it is not a term used by the general public in the same way as the City or Mid Notts and those living in the districts firmly identify as coming from Hucknall or Rushcliffe, not South Notts. Having said that the Districts Councils do work together on their long term planning and economic growth, so there is some commonality. The conclusion was that where such commonality exists then we should work as a footprint, but where locality based decision making needs to happen then that will be applied to a Primary Care Network (PCN) area or groups of neighbouring PCNs.
There are 20 PCNs in the whole Integrated Care System (ICS) covering the whole of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, with 6 across the South Notts ICP. The vision for the ICP is informed by what our patients want. Many of the issues we face are the same as other areas with increasing demand and complexity, with reduced numbers of GPs and a reduced investment in social care. If we can formulate a cohesive approach to what we do then we can tackle these issues. We must be more efficient working together collectively and we need to look at whole pathways through our services. There are some good examples of where we have already achieved this and good practice must be retained and built upon. There’s no doubt that service improvement and change can be rolled out more quickly if we work together.
We look forward to working together on some really tangible projects, which can be rolled out across our ICP to the benefit of all those who use our services, right across South Notts.