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Sherwood Oaks - Recruitment Event

A recruitment event for Sherwood Oaks, our new adult mental health inpatient unit in Mansfield, is taking place on Saturday 30 April, 10am-2pm, at The Towers, Botany Avenue, Mansfield. Come along on the day to find out more about the great opportunities available.

Sherwood Oaks, which will open later this year, is a 70 bed unit which will provide high quality care 24/7 to people over the age of 18 who are experiencing acute mental ill-health. Our patients will be cared for across four single sex wards and a hospital-based place of safety (Section 136 suite) all providing single person accommodation with ensuites.

We are looking to recruit to a number of positions now, ready for when Sherwood Oaks opens; this includes facilities staff (cleaning, catering and porters), nursing staff, qualified staff, healthcare assistants and administration staff. Join us at the recruitment event to find out more.

For more information about Sherwood Oaks, including a video about the site and the work taking place, visit

A further recruitment event will take on Saturday 21 May 2022.



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