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SAS Week 14-18 October 2024

SAS as a career choice and the SAS Charter

This week, we celebrate the work of SAS (Speciality and Specialist) doctors within our Trust. While many people may not be familiar with SAS doctors, they provide an essential role in the care and recovery of our patients. SAS doctors usually focus on providing direct patient care and may have different clinical and non-clinical responsibilities than consultants or trainees. However, they are still involved in teaching, research, service development, and leadership.

SAS doctors are a diverse group, including those with a vast amount of experience in their field and those who have recently joined the Trust or arrived in the country. They have the ability to progress through specialist posts and pursue a route to become a consultant.

To learn more about SAS doctors, you can refer to the  SAS charter, which outlines their role and responsibilities in England. Throughout the week, we will be sharing stories from doctors about their career journeys and specialties.

The SAS Collective

The SAS Six consists of a collection of guiding principles aimed at enhancing the careers of SAS doctors. 

  1. Every early career SAS doctor should have access to an educational supervisor
  2. Senior SAS doctors should be offered the opportunity to be educators at every level
  3. All extended roles in leadership and management should be open to SAS doctors
  4. All Speciality Doctors who meet the specifications should have the opportunity to become Specialists
  5. All SAS doctors should have equity of access to professional development opportunities
  6. All LE doctors employed for more than two years should be offered a SAS contract.

Image of the SASsix - SAS Collective



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