Recovery Demonstration Day

ImROC and the Trust are hosting a ‘Recovery Demonstration Day’ on 21 September 2017 to showcase Recovery focused practice across the organisation and discuss the successes and challenges involved. This event is being run in collaboration with Refocus on Recovery 2017.
Chaired by Dr Julie Repper, ImROC Director and Recovery Lead for Nottinghamshire Healthcare, the day will navigate through all levels of the organisational structure and examples of innovation and best practice to demonstrate what recovery looks like. What does recovery look like? How can we recognise it when we see it? How can we continuously learn and improve as individuals, teams, directorates and organisations dedicated to supporting people live the lives they want to lead? What are the successes and challenges in the current climate?
See Demonstration Day 2017 Programme.pdf [pdf] 152KB or visit the ImROC website for more details of the day
To book your place please complete an online booking form
We look forward to welcoming you to this event!