East Midlands care homes get new training resource to boost skills in preventing moisture lesions

‘React to Moisture’, a new interactive training resource that supports care home staff in preventing and managing moisture lesions (incontinence-related dermatitis), has been launched by the Trust.
Tissue Viability Specialist Nurses developed the resource, containing a training DVD, competencies, a patient leaflet and poster, with advice from the Specialist Continence Service. It aims to provide the knowledge and skills required for care home staff to feel confident in identifying, preventing and managing moisture lesions. Although primarily aimed at care homes, it is transferrable to any health care setting.
The resource was developed following the results of an initiative called LPZ facilitated by the East Midlands Patient Safety Collaborative (EMPSC). The project piloted an international prevalence audit of common problems faced by care home residents such as pressure ulcers, incontinence and falls. Since this project was introduced in 2015 it has contributed to significant improvements to the standards of care provided in East Midlands care homes.
The findings demonstrated that 14% of care home residents suffered with moisture lesions and the resource was developed to improve knowledge and care.
The team also found that there was no current training resource available to care homes locally, and there was a lack of understanding and knowledge generally of alternative approaches to managing continence amongst health care staff. Care home staff also reported difficulty in being released from their workplace to attend training and access to courses were limited.
Karen McEwan, the Trust’s Quality Improvement Matron and currently seconded by the EMPSC two days a week said: “Moisture lesions are very painful for anyone affected but they are avoidable and easily prevented with good care. We’re extremely excited to be delivering this new training resource, modelled on our ‘React to Red’ pressure ulcer prevention training resource, which was launched in 2014. Evidence has shown that the method of on-site training is preferred by many, allowing staff to access the training to suit them with the use of visual aids.”
The EMPSC, which is hosted by the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network (EMAHSN) has funded the resource and Cheryl Crocker Executive Lead for the EMPSC said: “I am delighted to support this innovative and exciting resource! We will be distributing 6,000 copies to all care homes in the East Midlands. We believe this training resource will make a real difference to care home residents.”
Health professionals who are interested in this training pack should contact Karen McEwan on 01623 785187 or karen.mcewan@nottshc.nhs.uk
You can watch a trailer of the React to Moisture DVD here.