Patient urges people to use ‘lifeline’ mental health service

A Rutland-based patient is urging people with mental health problems in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to use a ‘lifeline’ mental health service.
Diane Markillie, 53, stars in a new video launched by NHS organisations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Diane, who has depression, anxiety and low self-esteem, used our Let’s Talk-Wellbeing service after experiencing problems with her mental health following the death of her child and stress at work.
In the video, Diane says: “About two years ago I was having a few issues at work where I was very stressed with my job and basically wasn’t coping.
“I was feeling complete negativity, that I wasn’t worthy, I couldn’t cope, my family would be better off without me. It was just feeling completely rock bottom and not knowing which way to turn.”
Diane contacted our Let’s Talk-Wellbeing service after an initial appointment with her GP. Following an assessment, her treatment involved cognitive behavioural therapy, which helps patients with mental health problems learn coping mechanisms to deal with their emotions.
And her experience of Let’s Talk-Wellbeing has been positive. Diane adds: “It’s my lifeline. My confidence is there, I feel free. I feel that I’m back to being me.”
Now she is encouraging others having problems with their mental health to use the Let’s Talk-Wellbeing service: “Just pick up the phone and have a talk. It’s not a stigma. These people are out there to help us and support us.”
The Let’s Talk-Wellbeing service is for people with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
It offers a range of treatments depending on a patient’s needs, including one-to-one therapy, group therapy, counselling, online therapy, and cognitive behavioural therapy.
People using the service can also see an employment advisor whilst in treatment if they are experiencing work-related issues or if they want to return to work.
Patients can access Let’s Talk-Wellbeing by completing a form online, calling the service, or by sending off a self-referral form which is available on leaflets distributed by the service. GPs can also refer patients to the service.
Patients can be seen in a variety of locations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, including GP practices and community venues. Once patients contact the service they can expect to be assessed within three weeks.
Patients living in Leicestershire and Rutland can contact the service by calling 01509 56 1100 or visiting our Leicestershire and Rutland page, and patients living in Leicester City can access it by calling 0116 292 7010 or visiting our Leicester City page.
The Let’s Talk-Wellbeing service is commissioned by the three NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and provided by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Let's Talk-Wellbeing is also available in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. You can find out more on our Let's Talk-Wellbeing pages.