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Visiting our sites

We recognise that visiting is incredibly important for patients and loved ones. We are trying to allow visiting where it is safe to do so. However, this may not always be possible and will vary across our sites. Please check with the ward or unit you wish to attend ahead of your visit and follow their guidance to ensure a safe visit for you and the person you are visiting.

Dear Christmas Friend

For many people being in hospital can be a lonely time, especially at the moment, with restrictions on visiting.  This will be even more difficult for people over the festive period who are unable to spend it with their loved ones.  

You could help bring a little Christmas cheer to someone in hospital by writing a letter or sending a picture.  

Anti-Violence campaign: We are here to help not to be harmed

In a bid to tackle violence and aggression, bullying and harassment against NHS and health and care colleagues, the Trust along with other North Nottinghamshire organisations (Sherwood Forest Hospitals, Mansfield and Ashfield CCG and the Mid-Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership) are taking a stand by launching an anti-violence and anti-bullying campaign on social media this week as part of National Anti-Bullying week.



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