Industrial action update - junior doctors

Information from across the health and care system about the upcoming junior doctors strikes
Information from across the health and care system about the upcoming junior doctors strikes
Nottinghamshire Healthcare, alongside partners across the Integrated Care System, has teamed up with mental health charity Mental Health Innovations to launch free and confidential mental health support 24/7, through the charity’s text messaging support service Shout.
Nottingham City’s Joint Health and Wellbeing strategy has been shortlisted in the Local Government Chronical Awards 2023, in the ‘Public Health’ category.
The Trust is a key partner in this work, including leading on the Severe Multiple Disadvantage (SMD) work. This work is supported by a large and very active partnership of organisations across the City that work to support people that might be experiencing multiple complex issues that include homelessness, substance misuse, mental health issues, domestic abuse and contact with the criminal justice system.
Geraldine Needham, Domestic Cleaner at Nottinghamshire Healthcare has won a national MyCleaning Award, run in association with NHS England. Geraldine won the Domestic of the Year category after going above and beyond in her role every day. She is so appreciated by her colleagues she received an amazing nine nominations. The entries for the awards really impressed the judges, showing a broad range of examples of just why healthcare cleaning teams, domestics and healthcare auditors are fully deserving of the praise they receive at these awards.
Ellie, one of our Peer Support workers (PSW) will shortly be leaving for America after being awarded a Nottingham Roosevelt Scholarship last year. She’s shared below an update on her exciting plans.