NHS Volunteers Donna and Cockapoo Archie Bring Joy and Comfort to Mental Health Patients in Nottinghamshire.

More than 280 patients attended events aimed at helping them to stay well while they wait for hospital treatment.
Patients who are waiting for NHS care to help them with conditions affecting their bones, joints, or muscles, known as musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, were invited to one of two events held in Mansfield and Newark.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare’s Health Shop recently won an award at the annual Nottinghamshire Rainbow Heritage Awards ceremony held in the Nottingham Council House.
The team were given their award in recognition for their longstanding support for the LGBT+ community.
The patients now feel more comfortable in using AEDs if they needed to do so.
An open letter about the publication of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) report of the special review into our mental healthcare services commissioned by the Health and Social Care Secretary in January 2024, under Section 48 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008.
During Neurodiversity Celebration Week we gave three of our patients the opportunity to share their Neurodiverse journey's.