Watch the NICE Conference keynote speech

Over 300 staff, service users, carers, volunteers and external partners attended the Trust’s second NICE Conference at Trent Vineyard on 19 October.
Over 300 staff, service users, carers, volunteers and external partners attended the Trust’s second NICE Conference at Trent Vineyard on 19 October.
The Trust's Alcohol Related Long Term Conditions Team wins at the Nursing Times Awards
Nottinghamshire Healthcare has been awarded the contract for the delivery of the ‘Integrated Healthy Child and Public Health Nursing Programme for 0 to 19 year olds’.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare is supporting this year’s Nottingham Mental Health Awareness Weeks by hosting a number of events taking place between 10 – 21 October.
As part of Work Experience Week, Sian Allsopp tells how a work experience placement sparked her career within the Trust.
We are holding our first Patient Hack Day on Wednesday 16 November 2016. The event will take place from 10am to 4pm in Conference Room 1 at Duncan Macmillan House.