What do you think about our community mental health services?

We will shortly be carrying out an annual survey to find out what community mental health service users think about the care they receive.
We will shortly be carrying out an annual survey to find out what community mental health service users think about the care they receive.
Dr Phil Hammond is coming to Nottingham.
Mothers, babies and staff marked a special stage in the construction of the new Mother and Baby Unit today, by taking part in a steel signing ceremony.
The Trust’s new mental health services hub for children, young people and families, currently being built by Kier Construction, is taking part in their national Open Doors Event. The initiative, which is from 27 March - 1 April 2017, provides a unique chance for people to see behind the scenes at major ‘live’ construction sites.
The national rethinkyourmind project is giving you the chance to get creative.
As part of Bercow: Ten Years On, a project designed to examine support for children and young people with SLCN in England, I CAN and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy (RCSLT) have launched an inquiry and are asking you to share your experiences of SLCN support.