National recognition for sustainability

The Trust has been placed joint 4th out of 472 organisations for its sustainability reporting.
The Trust has been placed joint 4th out of 472 organisations for its sustainability reporting.
The Triangle of Care is an initiative to promote collaboration between service users, professionals and carers.
The latest in a series of public briefing and feedback events will give people the chance to find out more about plans to better join up health and care in Greater Nottingham.
The Trust's Children’s Centres Speech and Language Therapy Service has been highlighted as an example of best practice in an independent review of provision for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in England in 2018.
On 5 July, the NHS will turn 70. To mark the milestone, the Daily Mirror and ITV have launched the NHS Heroes Awards.
Staff and volunteers from across the Trust were honoured at our fifteenth annual OSCARS awards.