OSCARS 2018/19 shortlist revealed

The judging for the OSCARS took place on 4 December. The judges had a particularly difficult job this year as we had the most nominations we have ever had and there was a very high standard of entries. Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate.
The awards ceremony will take place on 28 March 2019 at the East Midlands Conference Centre, when the winners will be announced. Congratulations to everyone and good luck for the awards night.
OSCARS 2018/19 shortlist
Unsung Hero Award – Non Clinical
Ann Overfield, Staff Counselling Team Secretary, Staff Counselling Service, Trustwide
Izzi Gooday, Patient Secretary and Care Environment Cooridnator, The Willows Mental Health Intensive Care Unit, Highbury Hospital
Lisa Robinson-Bunn, Clinical Systems Developer, Health Informatics Service
Vivien McDonald, Team Secretary for Clinical Psychologists, Physical Health, King’s Mill Hospital
Unsung Hero Award – Clinical
Claire Blakey, Live Senior Occupational Therapist, Live Team, Highbury Hospital
Emma Bennett, Physical Healthcare Matron, Highbury Hospital
Louise Playfoot, Community Staff Nurse, Retford and Villages Integrated Neighbourhood Team
Neil Scully, Technical Instructor, The Assessment Unit, Rampton Hospital
Leadership Award
Alyson Wile, Musculoskeletal Therapy Clinical Supervisor, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Team, Ashfield Health and Wellbeing Centre
Sarah Addy, Senior Occupational Therapist, Mental Health Services for Older People, Heather House
Sarah Bonney, Clinical Team Lead, Community CAMHS West
Vanessa Holmes, Respiratory Team Leader, Respiratory Service, Ashfield Health and Wellbeing Centre
Quality Improvement Award
Emma Bennett, Physical Healthcare Matron, Highbury Hospital
eRostering Team, Trustwide
Laura Ecclestone, Transition Specialist Practitioner, CAMHS and Adult Eating Disorders Service, Hopewood and The Mandala Centre
Ideal Ward Round Team, Trustwide
Team of the Year Award - Non-Clinical
Flexible Staffing Service Team, Trustwide
Lings Bar Hospital Site Admin Team
Millbrook Domestic Team
Step 4 Psychology County Admin Team
Team of the Year Award – Clinical
Emerald Ward, Rampton Hospital
Hambleton Ward, Rampton Hospital
Orion Ward, Highbury Hospital
Primary Care Mental Health Team
Outstanding Care and Compassion Award
Chloe Hardcastle, Nursing Assistant, Hambleton Ward, Rampton Hospital
Julie Bills, Nursing Assistant, Ruby Ward, National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women, Rampton Hospital
Lisa Chadwick, Community Psychiatric Nurse, Mental Health Services for Older People, Gedling and Hucknall Community Local Mental Health Team
Sue Widdowson, Team Leader, Ruby Ward, National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women, Rampton Hospital
Volunteer of the Year Award
Ann Incerti, Volunteer, Hopewood
Glenys Herbert, Volunteer Associate Hospital Manager, Trustwide
Michael Beaumont, Volunteer Associate Hospital Manager, Trustwide
Sharon Bright, Volunteer, Alcohol Related Long Term Conditions Service
Lifetime Achievement Award
Elizabeth Handbury, Community Bank Nurse, Adult Community Services, Rushcliffe
Julie Gardner, Associate Director of Safeguarding and Social Care, Duncan Macmillan House
Myra Briggs, Senior Social Worker, National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women, Rampton Hospital
Sandra Crawford, Associate Director for Transformation, Duncan Macmillan House
For more information about the OSCARS, contact coral.jackson@nottshc.nhs.uk or call 0115 993 4530.