Notts nurse supported to overcome challenges to fulfil her dream of becoming a district nurse

Dionne Baker, District Nurse in the Ashfield Integrated Care Team - North had always wanted to be a nurse, but unfortunately her life course did not allow this when she was younger. She had a young family, and her dream career was always something she wanted but felt it would never be attainable.
She started her career at Nottinghamshire Healthcare in 2009 as a band 2 health care assistant.
Dionne said: The district nursing service came into the care home that I worked in at the time and one of the health care assistants for the Trust advised me there was a post out for advert, and she thought I would be perfect for the role. I applied and was fortunate to be successful.
Dionne went to work within the Ashfield nursing teams and was supported to complete her band 3 training around a year later.
She continued: Following this I really wanted to pursue my dreams of being a nurse and was again supported by the Trust to do my nurse training through the open university. During my band five training I faced a lot of personal tragedy with my mother passing away and my 1st marriage breaking down. My team was the best support, they picked me up when I needed it and gave kindness and support to me and my family. I could not have completed my nurse training without them.
Once a staff nurse Dionne was encouraged to apply for the senior staff nurse post which she was successful in gaining in 2021. She applied for district nursing (DN) training in 2022 but unfortunately at that time was not successful. Her team leaders and head of service, supported her to be able to do further study to allow her to apply for the next round of DN training. She was successful in gaining a place on the DN course in 2023 and qualified this year.
Dionne said: I would not have been where I am today without Nottinghamshire Healthcare, they have supported me through each step of my career so far. My management team have been fantastic and have really encouraged me to go further and follow my ambition and goals.
I really enjoy every aspect of my role, being a DN is a privilege. Being able to support patients in their own home at times when they are most vulnerable is humbling and rewarding. Supporting a team and guiding them to strive to give the best patient care is also very rewarding.
Dionne found the DN training a tough and a stressful year, however also found it to be one of the best and most rewarding years of her life, and feels very lucky to have been given the opportunity.
Her team leader, Jane Wright, says ''if you cut Dionne in half, it will say district nurse right through.'' Dionne commented: I feel this is lovely and hopefully shows the passion I have for community nursing. I would not be able to do my role without the support of the management team, my fellow DN'S and all the colleagues within my team.
Diane Hull, Chief Nurse said: It is fantastic to hear about Dionne's journey and how her ambition and determination, along with support from the Trust, meant she was able to realise her dream of becoming a district nurse. Over the last year we have supported 10 registered nurses to complete their specialist practice degree to become district nurses, huge congratulations to them all.