NHSLDS Conference 2022 - 'Safe transition of patients from forensic LD/autism services'

The theme of the conference is to focus on transitional issues in patients with Learning Disability and/or autism in forensic services.
The conference would be beneficial to attend for professionals and carers with a related interest or seeking new information and updates.
For more information please see the attached flyer and schedule .
Registration fee is £60, there are limited places for attendance at the Mike Harris Centre, Rampton Hospital. Remaining delegates will have online access. Certificates and CPD points will be emailed to registrants. (NB The conference is free to attend online for Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff.)
For registration/ payment details please email: ForensicLDConference@nottshc.nhs.uk
For any other queries email: carlo.thomas@nottshc.nhs.uk or emma.longfellow@nottshc.nhs.uk