New Non Executive Director Appointed
Stephen Jackson, a professional accountant who has had a varied career in both the private and public sectors, has joined Nottinghamshire Healthcare as a Non-Executive Director.
Stephen took up post on 18 July after his appointment was approved by the Trust’s Council of Governors.
After qualifying as an accountant Stephen joined Bass plc. and had several senior financial roles in the company’s pubs and hotel subsidiaries.
He has had a wide variety of posts since, including five years in Hong Kong as Chief Financial Officer and Head of Development and IT for Holiday Inn – Asia Pacific.
In 2003, Stephen joined Nottingham Trent University where he held the post of Chief Financial and Operations Officer with overall responsibility for Finance, Estates, Commercial Development, Legal, Registry, IT, and Governance Services. He was also appointed as a member of the Board of Governors and the Academic Board. In May 2016, Stephen retired from NTU.
Stephen also acts as Non Executive Director with each of the following local not for profit organisations: -
- Marketing Nottingham & Nottinghamshire (and Chair of F and GP);
- Nottinghamshire Sports Partnership (set up to increase participation in sport and active recreation in Nottinghamshire); and
- The newly formed Nottingham BID.