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New Mental Health Strategy for Nottinghamshire

All of the health organisations and Local Authorities in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have decided to work together to develop a countywide, all age mental health and social care strategy, which will provide mental health services that are joined up and equitable for everyone, whatever their age or location. As you can imagine this is a big piece of work, but we think if we can take a partnership approach, then we can plan more effectively with the limited resources available, and develop a strategy that covers the next two to five years. We want to work inclusively with service users, carers, staff, local organisations and our communities to make this happen.

 We will be developing and co-designing services collaboratively. More information will be made available as it comes through and there will be opportunities for involvement in shaping the delivery of mental health and intellectual disability services for the future.


Dr Julie Hankin and Dr Amanda Sullivan
Senior Responsible Officers
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Sustainability Transformation Partnership



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