New guidance for visitors and outpatients
From Monday, 15 June 2020 all visitors and outpatients must wear face coverings, to reduce the risk of transmission. This guidance will be applied to all of our Trust sites.
The health and wellbeing of patients and staff remains the top priority for the NHS with infection prevention and control (IPC) key to how we are handling the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in our hospitals.
Evidence has shown that people infected with COVID-19 can have very mild or no respiratory symptoms (asymptomatic) and can transmit the virus to others without knowing, so it is important that we take immediate steps to stop the spread of coronavirus in hospitals.
Following an extensive evidence review, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has made recommendations on the extended use of face masks by NHS staff, as well as the use of face coverings by visitors.
Visitors and patients coming to any of our sites for planned or outpatient care will need to wear face coverings to further reduce risk. You can read the full guidance here.
Face coverings can be made of cloth and be reusable in line with government guidance.