National Staff Survey 2018 results

The national staff survey has been published today and what staff say about their experience of working at Nottinghamshire Healthcare is critically important in terms of staff and patient/service user experience.
John Brewin, Chief Executive said: "I would like to thank the staff who completed the survey for their honesty and I want to assure all of our staff that we will listen and act on what has been said. Our response rate overall was only 40% which is low and in itself tells us that staff engagement and experience is not where we would want it to be."
In broad summary the responses have been pulled into ten themes;
1. Equality diversity and inclusion
2. Health and wellbeing
3. Immediate managers
4. Morale
5. Quality of appraisals
6. Quality of care
7. Bullying and harassment
8. Violence
9. Safety culture
10. Staff engagement
The scoring systems are different to previous years, and morale is a new category. The Trust is below the average in all the themes and is committed to working with all staff across the organisation to improve this.
John said: "As part of an evolving programme of work we will work together with all of our staff to improve staff experience. It is important that we do not rush to action plans and quick solutions; these are all issues that run deep, and require a considered, involved and engaged approach to address them.
“Our task together therefore, is to pause and think some of this through, recognising that our staff often have most of the solutions to hand, we need to enable these to be heard and flourish. The Board and I look forward to working with our staff on making these improvements and improving their experience of working at Nottinghamshire Healthcare."