National Community Mental Health Survey 2018

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published the results of their survey which looked at the experiences of people receiving community mental health services from 1 September 2017 to 30 November 2017.
This year, the national survey involved 56 providers of community mental health services in England. Responses were received from 12,796 people, a national response rate of 28%. Nottinghamshire Healthcare received responses from 655 people, a response rate of 34%.
For the survey question relating to people’s overall experience, the Trust received a CQC score of 7.2/10 (where the highest score for any provider was 7.5); ranking the Trust 7th out of the 56 providers surveyed.
This year we are in the BEST performing 20% of Trusts on three questions:
• Q9. How well does this person (the one who organises your care) organise the care and services you need?
• Q28. Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in deciding what NHS therapies to use?
• Q38. Overall, in the last 12 months, did you feel that you were treated with respect and dignity by NHS mental health services?
Nottinghamshire Healthcare is in the WORST performing 20% of Trusts for one question.
• Q18. Do you know who to contact out of office hours if you have a crisis?
We are about the same as most other Trusts on the remaining 24 questions.
Overall Nottinghamshire Healthcare received 746 comments in total (424 critical, 342 complimentary), in combination with the question scores referenced above.
Following the results, to decide where best to focus action, the Trust has analysed the data and comments from the survey by looking at:
• the rank for each question compared to other Trusts to see what we can be done (if anything) to improve it
• low scoring questions to see what can be done (if anything) to improve them
• comments and the themes
• trends over time
The main issues and overall focus for action relate to care planning and crisis care.
A workshop is being held on 5 December for staff from our adult mental health services and services for older people, to present the findings of the survey and to agree the action that follows as a result.
More about the survey is available on the CQC website