Milestone anniversary for national women’s service

Rampton Hospital has been celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women.
Back in 2007, the Hospital, which is managed by theTrust, became the sole provider of high secure healthcare for women in the Country. That year, the Service also moved into its current home; a purpose built unit that was designed to provide a secure setting with a domestic feel, to support the wellbeing of the patients and improve and enhance services.
Patients and staff attended a special event at the Hospital to mark the anniversary on 5 September. Three patients spoke about their personal experiences of the Service, along with John Wallace, Clinical Director and Ruth Hawkins, Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire Healthcare who reflected on the past decade in the life of the Service. Guests were then invited to enjoy afternoon tea and a number of activities and entertainment taking place along with gaining an insight into some of the therapies available to the women.
Ruth said: “I was delighted to be part of the celebrations. The Women’s Service is so very important and over the past ten years it has made a real difference to many women and helped them with their continued recovery. It is always good to hear of the progress patients make and that people do move on and leave us. I want to thank the patients who shared their stories with us.
“Also thanks to the staff – many of whom have worked in this service for many years – some from the very beginning. But also thanks to the newer members of the team who have helped to shape the Service into what it is today. We really appreciate the hard work and commitment and your dedication to providing the highest quality care in often very challenging circumstances.”
The Service cares for women with mental illness, learning disability, personality disorder and or complex needs and challenging behaviours who require assessment and treatment in a high secure environment. Care is offered by a multidisciplinary team, comprising Medical, Nursing, Social Work, Psychology, Security, and Therapy and Education Services.
The Service provides a therapeutic base and adopts an individualised collaborative approach that, combined with a programme of psychological interventions and activities, aims to reduce risk, distress and minimise any negative impact mental disorder can have.
Through this approach the Service aims to maximise each woman’s potential and aid progression in order that their needs can be met in conditions of lesser security. Working in a recovery oriented way the intended outcome is for patients to find a life beyond illness, establish a positive identity, develop valued social roles and move onto a lesser secure environment.
Patients have opportunities to be involved in their care and can also make contributions to service development through feeding back their thoughts and suggestions.
The women’s unit has five wards and the design incorporates open garden spaces and private courtyards offering patients safe and personal access to fresh air. There is also a Resource Centre which provides services such as a multi-faith Ecumenical Room, Hairdressing, Gym, Art Therapy, Tribunal Room and crafts room.