Mid Notts planning events on the future of mental health

Your local NHS is working hard to plan mental health services to make sure they meet the needs of mental health service users, carers, families and professionals and make best use of the resources that are available locally.
We need your help to really understand what currently works well and identify areas for improvement.
We would like you to come along and find out more and have your say about adult community mental health services which includes services for people with dementia.
Wednesday 18 October 2017 2 30 pm to 4 30 pm
Civic Quarter, Civic Centre, Mansfield NG19 7BH
Monday 23 October 2017 6 pm to 8 pm
Holy Trinity Community & Partnership Centre, Boundary Road, Newark. NG24 4AU
If you wish to attend or would like someone to come along to your group to talk to you, please call: 01623 673636 or email: maccg.communications@nhs.net