Meet Your AHPs – Lings Bar Hospital

Following on from a fantastic AHPs Day last month, staff at Lings Bar Hospital are continuing the drive to raise awareness of its Allied Health Professionals at a ‘Meet Your AHPs’ event on Tuesday 26 November between 2pm – 4pm.
The event, which is open to the public, relatives/carers, patients and staff will showcase the work at Lings Bar (both inpatient and outpatient) for physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, falls promotion, Stroke, Respiratory Team, the Short Stay Reablement Unit and Parkside Day Hospital and more.
Do you know how an AHP can help you?
Come and join the teams to learn more about what they do and how they can support you and your patients at their stands, learning stations and interactive sessions.
- In-Patient Therapy Team– focussing on movement, information regarding inpatient health professional roles, importance of movement on health and wellbeing, promoting therapeutic group activities, falls awareness/education and careers information. Location: Inpatient Therapy Gym, Lings Bar Hospital
- Short stay reablement unit- Promoting awareness and understanding of their service. Location: Inpatient Therapy Gym, Lings Bar Hospital
- Community Respiratory Pulmonary Rehab Team – Interactive sessions for anyone who has an inhaler to practise techniques, learning for staff on how to support patients to do this also and information about this team and what they do. Location: Rehabilitation Activities Department (RAD) Room
- Speech and Language Team – Promoting awareness of their role, what they are able to provide as an inpatient service, what other elements they can provide and how to access this support outside of an inpatient service. This will aim to promote learning and understanding for staff and the public for improved care and signposting. Location: outside Forest Ward, Lings Bar Hospital
- Dietician – Promoting awareness of their role, what they are able to provide as an inpatient service, what other elements they can provide and how to access this support outside of an inpatient service. This will aim to promote learning and understanding for staff and the public for improved care and signposting. Location: outside Forest Ward, Lings Bar Hospital
- Parkside Day Hospital (mental health) – Promoting awareness and understanding of their service. Location: Parkside Day Hospital
- Staff MSK Service – Promoting awareness and understanding of their service. Interactive session regarding knowledge about the spine and good posture. Location: Outpatient Gym, Lings Bar Hospital
- Stroke Team – raising awareness of Stroke and what the team can offer. Location: Reception by Parkside
There is free parking and the venue is accessible.
For further information please contact Aisling Murray on or 0115 9691300 extension 13630 (reception), 13638 (Therapy office) or 13272 (Forest ward - Mon and Wed).