Making an IMPACT – East Midlands Provider Collaborative goes live

IMPACT - the partnership of the nine NHS and independent sector organisations that provide Adult Secure Care services in the East Midlands - went live on Thursday 1 October 2020.
This sees the responsibility for the commissioning of Adult Secure Care services in the region transfer from NHSE Specialised Commissioning to the East Midlands Provider Collaborative – known as IMPACT.
NHS-led Provider Collaboratives are being established across England through a phased programme of transition. IMPACT is one of ten new collaboratives going live on 1 October.
IMPACT brings together the following providers:
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (designated lead provider)
- Cygnet Health Care
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Elysium Healthcare
- Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
- Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Priory Healthcare
- St Andrew’s Healthcare.
The move to regional Provider Collaboratives sees specialised commissioning, quality assurance and delivery of Adult Secure Services, including Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism, devolved to partnerships of local providers.
As one of these collaboratives, IMPACT is seeking to transform services by streamlining referral and assessment pathways, investing in community services and addressing health inequalities to deliver better quality services for all.
Clinical Lead for IMPACT, Dr Katina Anagnostakis, said: “Harnessing the lived experience of service-users, their families and carers, and our staff is crucial for successful service improvement and re-design.”
“We are already increasing support to patients who are approaching discharge, so they are able to leave secure care confident in living independently with the right community care in place.”
“Feedback from our on-going programme of involvement has directly informed our new clinical model for care and we will continue to listen and respond to those with first-hand experience as we shape future services.”
Claire Holmes, IMPACT Programme Lead, added: “The development of the IMPACT Provider Collaborative has been an incredible two-year journey. We are the only non-New Care Model pilot site to go live in this first wave, which is testament to the hard work, support and collaboration by all providers and stakeholders involved in delivering improved secure services across the East Midlands.
“There is much more to do but we have very strong foundations to build on and are looking forward to working with staff and service-users to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients and their families.”
Dr Julie Hankin, Executive Medical Director at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said: “I am delighted that the East Midlands is one of the first regions to benefit from true partnership working across secure services. Collaboration between providers is essential for service improvement and smooth transitions of care. We are committed to joint working and making positive changes for our patients together.”
IMPACT has been working closely with NHS England and Improvement in shadow form to ensure a smooth transition to new arrangements and responsibilities.
In recognition of the progress made, IMPACT was awarded ‘fast track’ status by NHS England and NHS Improvement and given national authorisation for ‘go live’ as a Provider Collaborative from 1 October 2020.
Co-production events and one-to-one engagement have been central to the development of IMPACT planning over the last year and workstreams have been designed to include representation from those with lived experience of secure services.
New initiatives such as the Assertive Transitions Service (ATS) and the regional Single Point of Access (SPA) for referrals to assessments have been piloted across the region – for more information on IMPACT and service development so far visit: or follow @IMPACTteamEM on Twitter.