Highly Commended in national awards for outstanding support for autistic patient

Jordan Green, Clinical Team Leader at Nottinghamshire Healthcare, at Highbury Hospital, has been Highly Commended in the Frontline Leader category of the National Learning Disabilities and Autism Awards 2024 . She has received this prestigious commendation due to her outstanding support and input for an autistic patient. She was the patients named nurse and spent a lot of time researching, using evidence-based approaches for autism, and seeking out professionals from across the globe to aid her development in how best to support her patient. As a result, there is evidence that the patient’s outcomes and experience of acute services have improved.
Jordan said:
“I am really honoured to have been Highly Commended in these awards. I am passionate about providing excellent care, and committed to finding the best ways to support our patients. This is particularly important for autistic patients, who could be in acute settings for long periods, where there may not be specialised support readily available. My hope is that highlighting and advocating for the use of approved techniques will improve patients’ outcomes and experience whilst they are in our care, before transitioning to the community.”
Jordan’s input allowed restrictive interventions, such as enforced treatment and restraint, to be avoided. Her input also allowed the team to gain a better understanding of the patient’s needs and how to best support her within our environment. In addition, this has allowed the ward to work within the STOMP agenda (stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both with psychotropic medicines), and increased the teams overall understanding and approaches to autistic patients within our acute inpatient ward.
Paula Vaughan, Mental Health Care Group Director at Nottinghamshire Healthcare said :
“We are thrilled that Jordan has received national recognition by being Highly Commended in these awards. We’re really proud she has gone above and beyond to adapt her care and support to provide the best possible experience for her patients. Jordan really deserves this recognition, huge congratulations to her.”