The organisations that commission and provide health and social care services across Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County are seeking the views of patients and the wider public on their joint five year Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).
The draft STP for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire was published in November last year, and outlines how local NHS providers, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), councils, and other health and care services collectively plan to improve the quality of care, their population’s health and manage finances across the system. The full plan, appendices and a summary guide are available at
Since publication on 24 November, people have been able to provide general feedback on the draft plan and raise specific questions via email, post or telephone.
To provide more opportunity for public feedback, a series of events has now been planned during January and February across the City and County. Local people are invited to attend, hear more about the STP and how it will affect patients, citizens, carers and service users and take part in discussion with representatives from the STP partner organisations.
The events will take place as follows and are open to all:
In addition, the draft STP will be discussed at a meeting for Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust public members from 10am to 12 noon on Tuesday 31 January at the Education Conference Centre, Nottingham City Hospital, NG5 1PB.
The public events will include a presentation on the draft STP and examples of how things might change in the way local services are delivered. There will be an opportunity for people to discuss the five ‘high impact areas’ outlined in the plan and suggest other areas for focus.
The high impact areas for change detailed in the draft plan are:
David Pearson, STP lead for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, said: “The health and care organisations in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have come together over the last few months to find ways to change services in our City and County - using the money we have in the best way. To get this right, we want to work closely with local people to inform how our draft plan is developed and delivered.
“We want to talk to those people who live and work in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire about how our draft plan can be improved and what needs to be done to make this happen. We are listening to citizens, patients, service-users and carers to understand the support that people want and need to help them live healthier, more independent lives. I would urge people to attend these events, find out more about our local plans and give us their feedback so we can use this in the development and delivery of the STP.”
As well as attending the public events, people can provide comments and feedback via email to or by post to:
David Pearson
County Hall
Loughborough Rd