Governor Elections - Could you be one of our Governors?

If you’ve ever wondered about the Council of Governors and being a governor, then now is your chance!
This is an exciting opportunity to be a governor for Nottinghamshire Healthcare and join the Council of Governors.
What is the Council of Governors?
Every NHS Foundation Trust must have a Council of Governors. The Council of Governors is an important part of the Trust and is made up of 37 Governors including 21 elected public governors, 8 elected staff governors and 8 appointed governors from partner organisations.
What do Governors do?
Put simply, the Council of Governors are the voice of the local people, and help the Trust to connect to the population it serves. Collectively, they ensure that the Trust Board is accountable to local people. They gain assurance about the Trust's performance, with a particular focus on service quality.
The role of governors includes the following responsibilities:
- Representing the interests of members and the wider public
- Sharing public feedback with the Trust
- Contributing to future plans of the Trust
- Holding Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Trust Board
- Appointing the Chair and Non-Executive Directors
The Council of Governors meet four times per year.
Governor Elections
The nomination stage of the governor elections is now open and you are invited to nominate yourself if you are interested in being a governor.
There are currently 11 vacancies in the public constituency as follows:
Public Vacancies
- Nottingham City - 3 vacancies
- Nottinghamshire County - 7 vacancies
- South Yorkshire and rest of East Midlands - 1 vacancy
How to apply
To find out more, and complete a nomination form online visit:
We welcome nominations from anyone over the age of 16, of any race, colour, religious belief, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, gender, disability or marital status.
Nominations are open from 19 November and close at 5pm on 17 December 2021.
You can find out more about the role of governors and the Council of Governors at
If you have any questions, or would like to speak to someone about this opportunity, please email
You must be a member of the Trust to apply to be a governor. You can join using the Online membership form
For membership queries, please email