Good Ofsted result for Hucknall Children's Centres
The three Children's Centres making up the Hucknall Children's Centres group have been rated as ‘good' in all areas following an inspection by OFTSED. The inspectors looked at access to services by young children and families, the quality of practice and services and the effectiveness of leadership, governance and management.
The inspection report highlighted the ‘highly effective partnership working' and that ‘the support for families facing particular challenges in their life was very effective'.
The report also acknowledged that children's achievements in Hucknall had been improving year on year and this reflected positively on the group and its partners' work.
Mark Hoyland, Hucknall Children's Centres Coordinator, said “I am immensely proud of the result of the recent inspection. Previous inspections have been for individual centres and this is the first time that all three centres in Hucknall have been inspected as a group which makes it more complex. I hope that the community, partners and staff are also proud of the result.
The inspection report highlights some really positive things and there are also some action points to further improve our service which we will be working on in the coming year.”
Hucknall Children's Centres group consists of Butlers Hill & Broomhill, High Leys and Market Place Children's Centres. Each centre provides its own programme of weekly activities and services including day care and childminding, health and nutrition, learning and sensory disability, parent and toddler – open sessions and drop-ins, training and back to work and volunteering and parent involvement. A full list of activities for each centre can be found at
Nottinghamshire Children and Families Partnership (NCFP) manage the Children's Centres across the county, on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council, and are made up of Nottinghamshire Healthcare, North Nottinghamshire College and Family Action.
Councillor Liz Plant, Vice-Chairman of the Children and Young People's Committee at Nottinghamshire County Council said: “This is wonderful news and a real boost for everyone connected with Butlers Hill and Broomhill, High Leys and Market Place Children's Centres in Hucknall – it recognises the excellent work taking place in our children's centres and the important role the service plays within the local community.”
Karon Foulkes General Manager for the Children's Centre service said “This is a great result for the Hucknall team and reflects the excellent leadership and partnership working in the centre and has shown the Ofsted inspectors how they make a real difference to the young children and families of the Hucknall area”.