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Finalist in NottinghamshireLive Heroes Award

We are delighted that Sarah Atkinson, one of our Learning Disabilities Primary Care Liaison Nurses, has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Healthcare Heroes category at the NottinghamshireLive Heroes Awards.

The awards will celebrate and honour the achievements of the remarkable people who make Nottinghamshire a better place.

Sarah was nominated for her work to produce a wallet sized easy read card to highlight the issue of domestic violence for people with a learning disability. The cards highlight signs of domestic abuse and what to do if you need help. They were designed in the hope that they will be shared and used far and wide to support our patients to keep safe in their relationships.  

Sarah said:

“I feel honoured to be shortlisted in these awards. I don’t feel like a hero at all, I am just doing my job. I am so proud of this work though as it's such an important issue and making this information accessible to everyone is vital. The more we can share them to help patients, the better. I'd also like to thank whoever nominated me"

The cards can be viewed below:

Domestic abuse is when your partner of family member hurts you or makes you feel scared. Hitting/harming your, sexual abuse, controlling your money, calling you names, swearing/shouting, not allowing you out, controlling your medication, telling you what to wear.


Tell someone you trust. If you need help. In an emergency call 999, womens advice line 0808 2000 247, mens advice line - 0808 801 0327

Healthcare is of fundamental importance to the well being of the public, and the last year saw it become even more vital than usual. Healthcare workers across the country demonstrated an extraordinary selflessness, despite incredible pressure - as they worked tirelessly to ensure that people received the healthcare they needed.

The finalists for the Healthcare Heroes category, are all those workers - professional or volunteer - who dedicated themselves to the health and wellbeing of others, and made a real difference in doing so.

The winners will be announced at the virtual awards which will be streamed live online on Thursday, June 3, 2021. More on the awards can be found here:



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