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Feedback on ASC and ADHD services

Nottinghamshire County Council is currently reviewing the Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Concerning Behaviours Pathway with a view to improving the services commissioned to support children, young people and families where there are concerns about Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As part of this review, we would really value feedback from parents/carers and young people who have experience of this pathway and have tried to access support for their child.

This survey is for parents/carers of children and young people diagnosed with ASD and/or ADHD and is a Nottinghamshire County based survey so does not include Nottingham City.  Also attached is a GDPR Consent form for completion by respondents. 

CBP review parent engagement questions diagnosis and support.docx [docx] 49KB

GDPR consent form_CBP engagement.docx [docx] 48KB

Once completed the survey and consent form should be returned to Rachel Edworthy at or alternatively the form can be printed and returned to:

Rachel Edworthy,

Public Health,

Children’s Integrated Commissioning Hub,

Nottinghamshire County Council,

County Hall,

Loughborough Road,






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