Family donate to Trust charity to provide extra equipment for patients

The Trust is very grateful after a local family recently donated a huge amount of money to the Trust’s charitable funds, which they raised in memory of their late father and husband, who was cared for by our staff.
They raised over £1400 through a Just Giving page that was set up by the patient’s son, Andy, after his father David sadly passed away. His father wanted flowers from close family only at his funeral, so on behalf of the family, Andy set up the Just Giving page for others to be able to donate instead of giving flowers. The company Andy works for, Markem-Imaje, also donated collections from a social event raising £370, which the company then matched, making a total of over £2100.
David, from Ravenshead, was 82 when he sadly passed away following a battle with small cell Lung Cancer. In the last two months of his life, he was supported by the Trust’s district nursing team from Rainworth. Their support meant David was able to stay at home and close to his family. Andy wanted to raise the money to provide an additional syringe driver to be used by the local district nursing team, as he had seen what a difference the syringe driver his father had used had made during the last couple of weeks of his life. Syringe drivers are used to administer medication to help manage pain.
Andy said:
“The district nursing team who supported my dad were brilliant, in the last couple of weeks of his life, they came in every few hours. My father had said he didn’t want any flowers at his funeral, so I set up a Just Giving page for extended family and friends who wanted to make a donation rather than giving flowers. I knew I wanted the money to go towards a syringe driver as I had seen first-hand how important they are to people nearing the end of their life. As a family, we wanted the money to go towards equipment that would support local people going through a similar situation. We originally hoped to raise a few hundred pounds, towards the £900 cost of one Syringe driver.
We were thrilled to see the generosity and number of people who's made donations. My colleagues and employer also wanted to contribute, meaning the money raised can now be spent on the purchase of two syringe drivers”
Dr John Brewin, Chief Executive at the Trust said:
“I am pleased our district nursing team was able to support David and his family through such a difficult time, allowing him to stay at home and close to his family.
“I would like to thank Andy and his family on behalf of the Trust for this donation. We are incredibly grateful for their generosity and that they chose to raise money for our charitable funds. The syringe drivers will be used to further support patients nearing the end of their life, which will make a big difference to patients and their families. Thank you”
The Trust’s Charitable funds were set up to be able to receive money from anyone that wanted to donate to the Trust. Usually, donations are made by relatives of patients to show appreciation for their care.
The money is used to for a wide variety of items, examples include, medical equipment, updates to patient areas, entertainment, wellbeing items, books, Christmas presents for patients with no relatives, to name just a few.
If a person has donated and wants the money to go to a specific cause then we do our utmost to honour that, wherever possible.
We really appreciate the donations and if anyone is interested in donating money to our charity please speak to the Nottinghamshire Healthcare team involved with your relatives care.