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Everyone is welcome here

An open letter from our Chief Executive Ifti Majid

Nottinghamshire Healthcare has launched its ‘Everyone is Welcome Here’ campaign which recognises and celebrates the diversity of its colleagues. Being an inclusive and diverse organisation is central to everything we do and who we are. This is important because it reinforces our commitment to stand together and stamp out any discrimination faced by colleagues across our hospitals and in our communities. 

Being a pro-equity organisation is vital as we want everyone who comes to work here or meets our people and our services to feel valued and have a sense of belonging. With over 11,000 colleagues across the Trust, we value and celebrate individual differences and the unique perspective this brings.

Representing different ethnicities, cultures and beliefs, languages, gender identities and educational backgrounds, all our colleagues have an abundance of experience, knowledge and skills, enriching the contributions they bring to our services and the people we care for. Our colleagues are at the heart of everything we do at Nottinghamshire Healthcare.

We want everyone to feel safe, valued and to be able to reach their full potential and know that everyone is welcome here. There’s no doubt that our diversity makes us stronger and regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation or background, everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

Image of Chief Executive Ifti MajidWe take all forms of inequality, including harassment, discrimination, and bullying very seriously and it will not be tolerated across the organisation. We are committed to ensuring that all colleagues have a voice that is heard and acted upon, and that they feel supported and confident to raise concerns. 

Honesty, Trust, Compassion, Respect and Teamwork, are the Trust values and underpin everything. We all come to work to make a difference to the people we care for, tacking inequalities, improving health outcomes and shaping the future of Nottinghamshire Healthcare.

Our ‘Everyone is Welcome Here’ campaign has our values running through it and promotes compassion, respect, kindness and inclusivity across our organisation and the communities we serve, celebrating all our colleagues and their contributions. We hope this campaign will show colleagues, our patients and the public that we celebrate inclusivity and diversity and everyone is welcome here.



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