Developing services for children, young people and families
Nottinghamshire Healthcare is proposing some changes to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and Perinatal Mental Health Services and wants to hear what people think.
With the aim of creating a ‘hub' for children, young people and families, the proposal is to move the Adolescent Unit (creating more beds) and CAMHS community services along with the Mother & Baby Unit and outpatient facilities for Perinatal Services, to a vacantsite on Mansfield Road currently known as The Cedars Rehab Unit, Foster Drive. The services would be redeveloped and housed in a brand new purpose built site.
These ambitious proposals require a significant investment, and will be presented to the Trust Board for approval in September 2015. Feedback received over the coming weeks will be part of this presentation.
Simon Smith, Executive Director Local Services said: “We have spoken to many service users, families and carers about the best ways to change the services. These conversations have helped us to decide on the exciting and innovative proposals we are putting forward. If approved, the changes won't happen for some time, so there will be no immediate impact for anyone currently using the services. We hope in the meantime you will let us know what you think of our proposal and help us shape these services for the future.”
There are a number of ways for people to find out more about the proposal and feedback their views:
At a public meeting - Wednesday 1 July 2015, 7.00pm – 8.30pm at the Sherwood URC Community Hall, 1 Edwards Lane, Nottingham, NG5 3AA and Tuesday 28 July 2015 at 5.15pm – 6.45 pm at the Central Library, Angel Row, Nottingham, NG1 6HP.
Complete the online survey at
On Twitter: #ithinkCYPeri
Alternatively contact , telephone 0115 854 2283 or write to Specialist Services Directorate, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Fern House, Highbury Hospital, Highbury Road, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 9DR
The closing date for feedback is 7 September 2015.
Further information about the proposals can be found on the dedicated pages of this site.